Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa's Sorrow

Here's a short little story about the kinda of pressure Santa is under, go easy on him kids!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Red Hatchet in the Park Pt.2

Heres the second part to our winter park footage montage

Red Hatchet in the Park Pt. 2 from chromedome on Vimeo.

Red Hatchet in the Park Pt.1

During the winter around here we are typically forced indoors, but luckily we have an amazing skatepark to keep our tricks fresh and new. Heres a little of what Kevin, Mankus, and Barbarian have been working on lately.

Red Hatchet in the Park Pt.1 from chromedome on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ok, i know it's been a little while since the last post, but this ones a good one, at least if you are a Stanley Kubrick fan like me.

United By Hate Teaser 3 from chromedome on Vimeo.

Another United By Hate Teaser!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

This is the second official teaser for Red Hatchet's next video, United By Hate.
most people have probably already seen it if they check my youtube account, but since i don't have enough space for a new vimeo video this week here it is.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lets get Artsy!

During the fall we found a secret tunnel to build a ledge in, but since the first snow came so soon we didn't really get much footage on it, because the parkway closed.

Anyway heres a short lil clip i put together of the making of our ledge and a few basic tricks we did on it... 


Crowds can be dangerous

The park was actually crowded today! 
don't forget tuesdays are only a dollar at Lost Souls Skatepark, just watch out for others.

Justin here had a run in with the wrong person and ended up with a limp noodle

20 Min. at the park

I was board with working the park the other day and started filming Kevin. 
When he made his way to the pyramid i started filming every trick he did, it only took him 15 or 20 minutes to make everything in this, all while casually doing the DEW.